Stump Appendicitis: Laparoscopic Management Case Presentation

Document Type : Case Report


1 Department of Surgery, Alsahel Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Radiology, Alsahel Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health, Cairo, Egypt


Background: Appendectomy is the treatment of choice for acute appendicitis. Leaving too much part of the appendiceal stump during an appendectomy operation predisposes the patient to stump appendicitis, which is a rare complication and of difficult diagnosis that needs a highly suspicious physician.
Case presentation: A 28 years male patient presented to the emergency department [ED] with a history of severe, generalized abdominal pain that shifted to the right iliac fossa one day before admission. He had a history of appendectomy 3 years ago. Computed tomography [CT] abdomen and pelvis with contrast showed a picture suggesting an inflammatory process in the right iliac fossa. The patient was diagnosed as stump appendicitis, laparoscopic appendectomy was done. The patient was improved and discharged 3 days post-operative.
Conclusion: It is important to put in mind the possibility of stump appendicitis, to achieve an early diagnosis and quick treatment and prevent late complications.


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