Publication Ethics

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Plagiarism Prevention: IJMA uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. INMA permits an overall similarity of ≤20% for a manuscript to be considered for publication. The acceptable limit for similarity of text from a single source is 5%. If the similarity level is above 5%, then the manuscript is returned to the author for paraphrasing the text and citing the original source of the copied material.

Authorship criteria:

For authorship to be considered, the author must fulfil the 4 criteria of authorship recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). These criteria are: 1) Significant participation in the concept or design of the work; or the gaining, analysis, or explanation of data for the work; 2) Drafting the work or revising it critically; 3) Approve the final version submitted for publication; 4) Agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work regarding its accuracy and integrity.

Contribution details:

Authors should provide a description of the individual contribution of each author in the manuscript. Contribution should include the author’s role in concept development, study design, the definition of intellectual content, literature search, data acquisition, data analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript writing and manuscript revision.

Conflict of interest

A declaration of conflict of interest must be provided and if any not found, must be declared.

Financial disclosure

Financial interests, direct or indirect, that exist or may be perceived to exist for individual contributors in connection with the content of the manuscript have been declared in the cover letter. Sources of outside financial support of the project must be mentioned in the cover letter