The “International Journal of Medical Arts” sticks to a double-blind peer-review process. Thus, if the editorial office decision to proceed in the review process, the article will be passed to many reviewers with relevant expertise. The article must be reviewed by at least two reviewers. However, in circumstances, this condition could not be fulfilled or there is a contradictory decision between reviewers, an editor will be invited to review the manuscript. The selection of reviewers depends on expertise, reputation, and our own previous experience of a referee’s characteristics. Authors will be asked to provide reviewers, which will be helpful in the journal peer-review process.
Final decision after review
After the peer-review process, the editors consider the reviewer’s advice and then proceed to one of the following decisions:
Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy edited for grammar, punctuation, language, print style, and format. IJMA received help in language and scientific editing by the software and support provided by the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, and two professors (consultants) of English and scientific writing. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is expected to provide a response within seven working days.
The Editor in Chief is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's in Chief decision is final.
Authors are advised to submit with their articles, the names, complete affiliations (spelled out), country, and contact details of three potential reviewers. Email addresses and reviewer names will be checked for validity. Please ensure that the e-mail addresses are current. Reviewers who do not have an institutional e-mail address will only be considered if their affiliations are given and can be verified. When compiling this list of potential reviewers please consider the following important criteria: they must be knowledgeable about the manuscript subject area; must not be from your own institution; at least two of the suggested reviewers must be from another country than the authors', and they should not have recent (less than four years) joint publications with any of the authors. However, the final choice of reviewers is at the editors' decision.